Tuesday, July 07, 2020

Masking and Washing and Six Feet Away, Oh My!

Normally I write about knitting and/or crocheting in this space. But what with the world turned inside out from the coronavirus, it's become not only difficult to amuse yourself or hang out with others...it's actually dangerous and life-threatening. People are told to wear masks (and gloves) when they go out, and to keep the socially acceptable distance from person to person of 6 feet. But do they? Noooooo.

I've heard teens and twenty-somethings say, "I don't need a mask. I'm healthy and young. I won't get the virus. Or if I do, I will fight it off."

Of course, going along with that belief means you think the masks are to protect YOU. But of course they're not--they are there to protect everyone ELSE from you.

Or they say, "I won't catch it. No one I know has it."

Ah, but you can be contagious days before you show other symptoms...so that excuse won't hold water.

Or they say, "If there are people out there whose health is poor, they should stay indoors with a mask on. Why should I have to suffer to keep them safe?



Chicken Soup for the Soul: My Hilarious, Heroic, Human Dog

I have a tale in this recent Chicken Soup for the Soul books: https://smile.amazon.com/Chicken-Soup-Soul-Hilarious-Companionship/dp/16115907...